
Wednesday, May 21, 2014

Traffic Light Controller

(4 Way Traffic Light Controller)

Circuit is pretty simple, so I won't be posting a picture of the schematic. Still if you are having any trouble see the pictures of the original circuit below:

(1) The North - South LEDs are the same, so they will be connected together and then the output would go to the assign pins (See the code, to know which pins I used to the LEDs).
 - The Red led to Pin 2
 - The Yellow led to Pin 3
 - The Green led to Pin 4

(2) Same goes for the East - West LEDs.
 - The Red led to Pin 6
 - The Yellow led to Pin 7
 - The Green led to Pin 8

(3) Make sure to use resistor with every single LED to prevent it from any high current damage.

(4) I included the switch to turn ON and OFF the traffic lights (This step is optional).


// 4 Way Traffic Light Controller
// Programmed by, Umar Rao
// For Circuit Schematic go to

int redNS = 2;
int yellowNS = 3;
int greenNS = 4;

int redEW = 6;
int yellowEW = 7;
int greenEW = 8;

void setup() {
pinMode (redNS, OUTPUT);
pinMode (yellowNS, OUTPUT);
pinMode (greenNS, OUTPUT);

pinMode (redEW, OUTPUT);
pinMode (yellowEW, OUTPUT);
pinMode (greenEW, OUTPUT);


void loop() { 
digitalWrite(redNS, HIGH);
digitalWrite(greenEW, HIGH);
digitalWrite(redNS, LOW);
digitalWrite(greenEW, LOW);

digitalWrite(greenNS, HIGH);
digitalWrite(yellowEW, HIGH);
digitalWrite(yellowEW, LOW);
digitalWrite(redEW, HIGH);

digitalWrite(greenNS, LOW);
digitalWrite(yellowNS, HIGH);

digitalWrite(yellowNS, LOW);
digitalWrite(redEW, LOW);



  1. Circuit is pretty simple, so I won't to posting a picture of the schematic. Still if you are having any trouble see the pictures of the original circuit. Unites States city distances

  2. There is problem
    when I verify it says" it is corrected "
    but after that I uploaded it in my ardouion UNO it says " error "

    1. Does it tell what kind of error? Because, the code runs perfectly on my arduino.

  3. How can you do this with 1 breadboard?

  4. This is great. gonna make some changes to give those poor drivers a chance to slow down haha. Any ideas on how to add in a police stop button mechanic or pedestrian walk system. Im trying to stop traffic NS or EW depending on button press for a few seconds.
